Along with delicious food, you will be able to browse student art of many medias and mingle with the parents of other visual arts students. There will be sign up sheets and information about the following:
1. Briarcrest Arts Sponsorship
2. Briarcrest Regional Arts Contest & Exhibition
3. National Art Honor Society Grades 10-12
4. Field Trips to the Brooks Museum in Fall
5. Briarcrest Traveling Arts Fair for Great Day of Service
6. Sign up to Observe in the Art Room
7. All Saints Paint (Opportunities to paint like a pro)
8. Artist in Residency program of Briarcrest
9. BCHSart Blog
Come sample some of the finest student art in the MidSouth, The Crown Jewel of the School, BCS visual arts studio!
After having a lovely snack of art, then attend the sweetest time getting to meet your student's other teachers at the HS Open House.