Olivia Mitchell 10th Grade
Art I second quarter is a classical study in drawing methods. The ending lesson focuses on perspective. Some students worked a bit harder and accomplished a 2 point perspective of the art room.
Emily Thomason 11th Grade
One of the most exciting and successful lessons of the 2nd quarter is a self-portrait drawn on an acylic painting with conte` crayon. Emily is gifted at seeing the lights and darks that define planes.
Taylor Palace 9th Grade
3rd Quarter in Art I is a classical study in painting and composing. The work outside class is a study of concepts through photography. Students study proverbs of Socrates, Plato, Confucious and Solomon. They then take photos. grid and draw. This extraordinary photo is one of Taylor's cast off photos. Great!!!
Dylan Sweeney 11th Grade
Watercolor can be a tricky media to control. Dylan learned how to apply all of the methods to create this beautiful drawing/painting.